Manufacturers of Aquaculture Specialities.

  • Hyderabad,SR Nagar
  • +91 94403 77073
1ltr, 2ltr, 5ltr


EBI GUT FIX control inhibits the hepto pancreas of prawns and helps enhance the immune systems, immune modulation macrophage elicitation explusion of pathegens out of the digestive systems. It provides essential nutrients that act as a protective mechanism which in turn results in higher survival and productivity.


Emphasize the significant of live cells as an essential component of supporting animal health. Maintain a healthy hepto pancreas and balanced gut flora. Inhibits vibrioparahaemolytics, vibrio sp. And other gram negative bacteria are associated with EMS and other pathogenic conditions. Reduce the incidence of white gut and white feces. Replace the antibiotics and chemicals Improve the productivity, FCR, Growth rate Prevents from water contamination.

Ingredients :

CMix of all microorganism and enzymes organic acids like Amylase, Pepsi, Amino acid, Cellulase, Pactinase Lactobacillus spp., Sterptomyces spp., lipase, xylanse cellulose, hemicellulose etc.

Doses :

1 ltr or 2 ltr (Depends upon bio burden in pond ) mix in 100 ltr of water and spary on 1 acre of pond.